Teaspach's Blog

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Casting decisions for "The Women" will be announced early next week.For all those who auditioned we know its been a long wait but you'll soon be put out of your misery and will know which lovely(or not so lovely)woman you'll be!!!

We are having a viewing of the movie version in "AUBARS" on Wednesday next the 2nd of August at 6.30pm.All who attended our workshop,our auditions and pledged help in the form of production are asked to attend.We will watch the movie to get a feel for the style and accents of the day and after we'll have a chat about the next step in the process.It's also a nice way to get together socially and meet each other-cos we'll sure be seeing plenty of each other over the next few months!!!!

Look forward to seeing you all xx